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Spiritual Gifts Survey

Spiritual Gifts Inventory & Guidance



Rate each statement from 1 to 5, with 1 being “Not at all true of me” and 5 being “Very true of me.” Add your scores in each section to discover your spiritual gifts. Use the guidance and tips provided to grow and serve effectively.

1. Leadership & Administration
I enjoy organizing and leading projects or groups.
People often look to me for guidance and direction.
I can clearly communicate a vision and rally people around it.
I am good at creating plans to achieve goals efficiently.
2. Teaching & Wisdom
I love sharing knowledge in a way that helps others understand.
I’m passionate about studying the Bible and explaining its truths.
People often come to me for wise counsel or advice.
I can explain complex concepts clearly and practically.
3. Encouragement & Shepherding
I feel a strong desire to uplift and motivate others.
I enjoy mentoring and helping people grow in their faith.
People say I have a gift for making them feel understood.
I feel fulfilled when supporting others through challenges.
4. Evangelism & Outreach
I am excited about sharing my faith.
I look for opportunities to talk about God.
I feel compassion for people who don’t know Christ.
I enjoy planning or participating in outreach events.
5. Service & Helps
I enjoy working behind the scenes.
I am always willing to help out with tasks.
I find fulfillment in serving without recognition.
People notice my willingness to assist.
6. Generosity & Giving
I am generous with my time, money, and resources.
I find joy in meeting the financial needs of others.
I believe God has blessed me to bless others.
I am happy to give sacrificially.
7. Faith & Prayer
I have confidence that God will provide.
I regularly pray for others.
People say I have strong faith in God's promises.
I trust God to work even in impossible situations.
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